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Your First Function

Let's write your first Minecraft function. Start VSCode, and open the project folder. In the src directory, create a new file named helloworld.ts, with the following content:


• You can delete the display.ts file.
• You can change the above code, and see the result in live.

Building the data pack#

To build the data pack, type the following command in your terminal:

npm run watch -- --verbose

This will build the data pack, rebuild on each change, and will log the results each time the data pack is built. The --verbose option logs the result in your console.

First, you should see the following output in your console:

## Function default:hello
say Hello world!

You can check the resulting data pack, which will be built in the folder you specified when creating the project. As you can see, it is a valid data pack. Try opening a world and run your first function!


If you forgot where you saved your data pack, or want to change the location, you can modify the saveOptions specified in sandstone.config.ts.


Let's do a line-by-line explanation.

import { say, MCFunction } from 'sandstone'

This line tells Sandstone what we need to use. Here, we need one command, say, and one Sandstone resource, MCFunction.

MCFunction('hello', () => {...})

This line tells Sandstone we want to create a new MCFunction, called hello. We do not have to specify the namespace: here, the default namespace will be used. If you want, you can specify the namespace yourself, like you would in Minecraft: mynamespace:hello. Inside the curly brackets {...}, we will specify the commands we want to write inside this MCFunction.

say('Hello world!')

This line tells Sandstone that we want to write the /say command in the current MCFunction, with the Hello world! argument. It will result in the command say Hello world!.