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Score Objectives

The basics#

Sandstone can handle the lifetime of scoreboard objectives for you. By calling Objective.create, Sandstone will create the specified objective when the datapack loads, and will return an Objective object with convenient methods. By calling Objective.get, Sandstone will not create the objective, but will still return an Objective object. This is useful when the objective has already been created outside of Sandstone.

import { Objective } from 'sandstone'
const kills = Objective.create('kills', 'playerKillCount', [{text: 'Player Kills'}])

Scores Holders#

The basics#

In Minecraft, scores can be applied to 2 kind of things : fake players, and entities. They are called Score Holders.

In Sandstone, to get the value of an objective for a given score holder, you can directly call the objective with the selector.

// Get the number of kills of the executor
const myKills = kills('@s')
// Get the number of kills of a random player
const randomPlayerKills = kills('@r')
// Get the number of kills of all players
const allPlayersKills = kills('@a')
// Get the number of kills of the winner
const winnerKills = kills(Selector('@p', { tag: 'winner' }))


Sandstone has a number of helper methods to perform operations on scores.

Inline operations#

Inline operations are operations that modify the base score. For example, myKills.add(2) would compile in scoreboard players add @s kills 2. The value of myKills will change.

There is one inline method for each type of operations (+, -, ×, ÷), and they all accept numbers and other player scores:

/* Addition */
// Add 2 to my kills
// Add the kills of the winner to my kills
/* Substraction */
// Remove 2 from my kills
// Remove the kills of the winner from my kills
/* Multiplication */
// Multiply my kills by 4
// Multiply my kills by the number of kills of the winner
/* Division */
// Divide my kills by 4
// Divide my kills by the number of kills of the winner
/* Modulo */
// Set my kills to my kills modulo 4
// Set my kills to my kills modulo the number of kills of the winner

There are two more inline operation:

  1. The set method. It sets the score to the given value, or player score.
  2. The swap method. It takes another player's score as an argument, and swap both values.
// Set my kills to 0
// Swap my kills with the kills of the winner
// My kills are now the kills of the winner, and his kills are now 0.

Every operation returns the base score. Therefore, you can chain them:

// Increment my kills by 1, then multiply it by 2

Effect-free operations#

Effect-free operations are operations that create a whole new score to store the result. Therefore, the base score is never updated.

For example, would compile in something like:

# First, copy the base score to a new one
scoreboard players set operation anonymous_1 sandstone_anon = @s kills
# Then, add 2 to this new score
scoreboard players add anonymous_1 sandstone_anon 2

In other aspects, they are similar to inline operations: there is a method for each type of operation (+, -, ×, ÷), and they all accept a number or another player score:

/* Addition */
// Get my kills plus two - `myKills` will be left unchanged.
const killsPlus2 =
// Get the sum of the kills of the winner and my kills
const sumOfKills =
/* Substraction */
// Get my kills minus two
const killsMinus2 = myKills.minus(2)
// Get the difference of my kills and the kills of the winner
const killsDifference = myKills.minus(winnerKills)
/* Multiplication */
// Get my kills times 4
const killsTimes4 = myKills.times(4)
// Get the product of the kills of the winner and my kills
const killsProduct = myKills.times(winnerKills)
/* Division */
// Get my kills divided by 4
const killsDividedBy4 = myKills.dividedBy(4)
// Get the ratio of my kills divided by the number of kills of the winner
const killsRatio = myKills.dividedBy(winnerKills)
/* Modulo */
// Get my kills to my kills modulo 4
// Get my kills to my kills modulo the number of kills of the winner


All these operations can be chained together: they allow you to write complex operation without complexity.

// Set myKills to (myKills + 1) * 2
// Get myKills + (winnerKills / 2)
const result =

Since the result of operations are another PlayerScore, you can also chain comparisons after operations.


Scores are easy to compare against another value, and integrate perfectly with Sandstone's flow statements.

There are 5 comparison methods, that all accepts both a number or another player's score: lessOrEqualThan, lessThan, equalTo, greaterOrEqualThan, and greaterThan.

You can use them in any flow statement:

// If the player has more than 1 kill, give him a diamond
_.if(myKills.greaterThan(0), () => {
give('@s', 'minecraft:diamond')
// Give the player one diamond for each kills he has
_.while(myKills.greaterThan(0), () => {
give('@s', 'minecraft:diamond')
// Similar as above, but using a for loop
_.forScore(myKills, myKills.greaterThan(0), () => myKills.remove(1), () => {
give('@s', 'minecraft:diamond')
// If the player has between 10 and 20 kills, tell everyone he's a hero
const player = Selector('@s')
_.if(_.and(myKills.greaterOrEqualThan(10), myKills.lessThan(20)), () => {
tellraw('@a', [player, ' is a hero!'])
// However, if he has more than 20 kills, tell everyone he is a legend
_.if(myKills.greaterOrEqualThan(20), () => {
tellraw('@a', [player, { text: ' is a legend!', color: 'red' }])
// If he has 0 kill... Kill him.
_.if(myKills.equalTo(0), () => {